Who Knew WP Forms Has Surveys Too?!
As WordPress developers and designers, we’re often torn between creating something custom for clients and using something that exists from a great company like WPForms. When a reliable company creates a tool that can serve as multiple tools in one, it’s really a no brainer.
We didn’t even know WPForms handled not only the mailing list and forms game but are also in the Survey game as well! That makes the decision pretty clear for our team. There’s no need to reinvent the wheel, especially when there are multiple wheels in one plugin. This lowers the chances of conflict between plugins and the site, helps the website owner use one tool (less training on multiple platforms) and makes the build much more efficient.
If you need more evidence, you can visit this article that compares and contrasts WPForms against Survey Monkey. It’s a moderate read but worth it if you’re looking for some more details.
Just remember, when creating a clean, responsive, and efficient website using WordPress and reliable plugin tools from a source such as
If you have some questions or are thinking about getting your site up and going but don’t know where to start, take a look at our Recommended Resources page for some free advice. And of course you can always Contact Us by filling out the form on the page or emailing hello@glbdd.com, we’re always happy to help answer some questions for you.